Abstraction-based planning for uncertainty-aware legged navigation
J. Jiang, S. Coogan, Y. Zhao
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 2023
This paper addresses the problem of temporal-logic-based planning for bipedal robots in uncertain environments. We first propose an Interval Markov Decision Process abstraction of bipedal locomotion (IMDP-BL). Motion perturbations from multiple sources of uncertainty are incorporated into our model using stacked Gaussian process learning in order to achieve formal guarantees on the behavior of the system. We consider tasks which can be specified using Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). Through a product IMDP construction combining the IMDP-BL of the bipedal robot and a Deterministic Rabin Automaton (DRA) of the specifications, we synthesize control policies which allow the robot to safely traverse the environment, iteratively learning the unknown dynamics until the specifications can be satisfied with satisfactory probability. We demonstrate our methods with simulation case studies.